Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let it snow...

So far I am a little bit underwhelmed by the supposed snow storm. I mean, maybe I should be just grateful for the white dusting we've received. I am. Yet, is it too much to ask for like a couple of feet of snow? Okay maybe that's a little crazy thinking, considering we live in a valley, but I want to go sledding. Badly. I want to see the yard in a blanket of soft plushy snow. I want to make snow angels, and snow men, and torture my dog by burying her in snow. Too much to ask? I think not.

Friday, December 05, 2008

My love's got me behavin' so crazy right now

I've been on hiatus. I've been pregnant. Oh, and still am. This whole first trimester thing has kicked my ever growing behind. I've been sick a ton, no energy, no motivation, cranky, and let's not even talk about what goes on during bathroom time. Frankly, I am over it. Luckily for me I have officially been in that hallowed 2nd trimester for a full week now. Yay me, right? Wrong. Everyone keeps saying how much better I should be feeling, and yet I still puke routinely every morning. I don't have a rush of energy, and am as cantankerous as ever, and my food aversions are worse than ever. If one more person tells me how much better I am feeling, I may just tell them where to stick it. ....See, crazy and cranky as ever. But, I am still a little hopeful, that soon I will be able to eat again, and maybe my time is just slow to come. Ah well. On the upside, I wrote a post! No longer on hiatus... I hope.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I am craving deviled eggs something fierce!! I am going to make them tomorrow and it will be awesome... you'll see.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Memories... like the corners of my mind

Man, I really miss running. Since being pregnant, I've exercised like once. I feel icky, and unhealthy. And, I know, Charlotte's doctor in Sex and the City said it was okay for her to run. Well, A: it's a movie, and B: she (the character) had always been a runner, as I have just recently taken up the habit. It's not like I have that much energy anyways, I just miss it, and I loved all the endorphins. Plus, I was just starting to lose weight, now I'll be gaining it. Boo-Hoo me... I think I'll go console myself with my good friends Ben & Jerry.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My animals are driving me bonkers!!

Ever since I became pregnant, (oh yeah, surprise!!) my cat Jasmine, and dog Rosco have become increasingly needy. They will not let me go to the bathroom without their presence, and I go to the bathroom rather frequently these days. Everywhere I go, there they are, and all over me, it's like I'm freakn' Ace Ventura or something. And Rosco's crazy nighttime behavior has been getting back to the crazy-super-paranoid dog that we dealt with in the apartment. How would you like crazy eyes starring at you, jumping on your bed, and the constant smacking of dog mouth/saliva hour after hour in the middle of the night. I need my sleep people, it's making me a little batty.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's been a very hectic couple of weeks. I'm afraid the chaos is not completely through, but I now can see a small shimmering light at the end of a very long tunnel.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tabitha's Salon Takeover

So I finally started through the 5 or so episodes of this show that I had recorded on my DVR. I was not really that excited about this show, even though it's my profession, mainly because I thought the host, Tabitha, was annoying and kind of a giant Biotch. Yet, I really, really dig it. I think she has so many valid points, and as she probably acts out a little extremely for the show, but she still is telling it like it is, cutting through the bullshit, and giving these salons the tools they need to survive. It inspires me to do better, and be better as a hairstylist, and contribute as much as I can to the success of the salon I work in, and my own career. I seriously feel if she came to our salon, things may get shook up, and some people would get upset, but in the end there is always room for improvement, and I believe she would bring that. I don't think she is some magical hair wizard, that she and only she could fix these salon problems. But, it's all about bringing in an observant outsider with some experience to help a business help themselves. Kind of like a therapist. So my peeps, my recommendation is a big thumbs up for this show, even if you're not in this industry, because it still may inspire you to do better in your own jobs.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Let them eat cake...

I stumbled upon Marie Antoinette on one of the movies channels this evening. It was already about half-way through, and I could not stop myself from watching it for a bit. I absolutely love this movie. Seriously, I just watched it again the other day, and I enjoyed it every bit as much as the first time, and probably even a little more. The clothes, shoes, food, colors, and hair is like a giant bowl of candy. (I love candy!!) I had a hard time tearing myself away, but I needed to head for bedy-bye. I also realized I must must must go to a masked ball. Masquerade ball?? Anyway, I am on a quest now to find such an event, so if anyone out there knows of one, drop me a note. For now I will only dream up the perfect outfit for such an occasion, and dream of frills and ruffles and the perfect C-curl. Oh ya, and did I mention that Kirsten Dunst was amazing in this role, I could not picture anyone else, it was pitch-perfect!

On a side note: When I was searching for the perfect picture for this post, I came across a review of the film when the critic said "Coppola lacks the committed, demented genius Baz Luhrmann brought to Moulin Rouge, and when Marie Antoinette isn't being crazy and decadent it becomes a bit too pretty, proper and trivial for my taste."-- Andrew O'Hehir, SALON, May 24, 2006

Ummm, sorry, but Moulin Rouge sucked an egg... a big one... like an emu egg. Oh and I'm not sorry, because as much as some critics were not big fans of this movie, plenty of, you know smart and sophisticated people could appreciate it's crazy, decadent, pretty, and proper portrayal of a woman placed into privilege and power, when she may not have chose it for herself.

If you want to read another rave review on this movie, check this out: THE BACK ROW MANIFESTO:

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Can't Move...

I cannot believe how sore I have been since moving. I've done this a few times in the not so recent past, but I don't remember not being able to walk correctly for two days after. It's totally screwing my running schedule as well, and seeing as Pre-(10k) is next weekend, I am more than a little freaked out. On the upside, I'm pretty sure that by the time my calves actually heal, they will look like this.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


So... yay! We are finally moving into a house in NE Portland. I can't wait. I'm not even that bummed about the physical labor that lies ahead, because I'm so absolutely excited about moving into a rad house. And, don't worry Lucas, I'll save a lot of big and heavy stuff for you.

Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm stalling for time, so I don't have to go for a run.

It's hot.

Got to find and actually put on running clothes.

I'm still enjoying the cuteness of my current outfit, (might have just outdone myself today).

It's hot.


I busy... you know, writing. Duh.

Aaaannnndddd I'm out.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Much cooler than I, and she's not even in high school yet...

Meet Tavi. She is too freakin' fun. Check out her blog:

Rods and Coins

I rocked out a grey and white perm today. Let me tell you, I have not forgot how, and I was proud of my little silver lady, or silver fox, after I was done with her. She loved it!! Yet no tip, what gives? Hey, I know how it works, but even a handful of change is better than nada, you know? Really it's the thought that counts, like "Hey, you did a good job, here's a couple of rolled packages of nickles". Ah well, maybe next time.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I have creativity bottled up inside, I promise. Just wait one more second...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Boyah! 4 miles biotches!! Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Look at me go with my bad self.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fly like an Eagle, shyah, Fly like Michael Phelps

I have been doing a very good job so far, watching the Olympics. I even watch its days later, after I may or may not actually know the outcome. And holy crap the swimming has ruled! I want to glide through the water like Michael Phelps. He is a swimming machine. A killer, I mean a killer.
This morning I decided to test my skills, in our grimey, cloudy apartment complex pool. At first the water was cold, unyielding to my advances. Then, little by little we were working together, I was whooshing through the water with the greatest of ease, and cutting through it's currents with my razor sharp strokes, really it had no choice but to back down and allow me to grace through its curves. Then, when I was crossing the pool doing the butterfly, and envisioning myself propelling through the water just like Phelps, that's when it happened. The pool, bitch slapped me across the face for being so cocky. I propelled myself, face first, into the brick wall of the pool's edge. My teeth jammed up against my bottom lip as it was colliding with the cold hard surface. Instantly I was in shock. I couldn't believe I had reached the end of the pool already, what the heck happened? Then a puckered lip smile crept across my face, because I couldn't believe how fast I had reached the end of the pool already.
It's official: It's hotter than a crotch out here.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Fears, phobias, and uh-ohs

I'm scared of the doctor. And the dentist. And IVs. The problem is, that because of our lapse in insurance and my general laziness, I have not been to regular check-ups for a very embarrassingly long amount of time. Now that we have insurance, I know I just need to suck it up and make the needed appointments.
But, I feel alright, and if it's not broke...
Alas, I know I have to be a grown-up and just get over my fears, and that's just the problem, being a grown-up has not a lot to do with it. I have way more fears and phobias now, than I did when I was younger. That just sucks, when did I lose my cojones?
Oh, and the uh-ohs... they happen when I finally go to these appointments and find out that I have something wrong with me because I have not keep up with a good regime of check-ups.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here comes the bride---- Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I think the term Bridezilla is overused. I've worked with my fair share of brides and bridesmaids and mother of the brides this season (the bridal season), and for the most part, they have all been pretty chill. Maybe I'm just lucky, maybe it's Portland, but I find it refreshing, and not so at the same time. Bridezilla has been overblown to give all women that are trying to create a beautiful day, that of their wedding day, a bad name. But, not all women are this way (note: some women are in fact BRIDEZILLAS, they do exist.......... not temping the universe or anything, but they are less frequent perhaps than "people" may lead you to believe. Kick back brides, low maintance, easy going brides may not have the flashy stories, or the crazy mothers, but they are far better company, and ladies, let me just say, Thanks. Thanks for letting us stylists do what we do, create without drama, judgement, or tears (unless that of speechless impressment).

Sunday, July 20, 2008

SNL, You Rock My World!

I'd like to give a shout-out to the crew and writers of SNL this season. It has been one of those shows that I look forward to with rewarded anticipation. A good lot of their sketches have been exceptionally hilarious this year. It's impressive that I'm more excited to see what new comedy the cast will dole out, rather than who's guest hosting or playing the musical sets. Now, that is not to say they haven't had some genius hosts (ie cutie pututie Shia LaBeouf and classic Christopher Walken) and some kick-ass bands (My Morning Jacket and Vampire Weekend), they have been pretty spot-on in that arena as well. Some stand out cast members this year that I can't get enough of would include, Kristen Wiig, Amy Poehler, (ladies really bringing it this year), as well as Bill Hader and Jason Sudeikis. Working in a salon I hear many tidbits of conversation happening, and let me just say that I hear more quotes and impressions of Kristen Wiig sketches than anyone. Kristen Wiig, looks like your rockn' our world especially hard. The only disappointment to speak of would be that the show is not on more often. That's not a bad criticism to have, ya know?

Monday, July 14, 2008

READY? It's running time.

Eric and I have finally committed to running the Prefontaine 10k run in Coos Bay. It has only been a couple of weeks into training, but I already feel quite a difference in my overall health. The actual running has been rather strenuous, but how I'm feeling and looking now, is well worth it. It's amazing how much better I eat when I actually pay a little bit of attention. I am excited to see my progression, and a little nervous about how I will perform the day of the race... yet I am optimistic. We have quite a few friends committed to this adventure, but any others interested are encouraged to join us!

Friday, June 27, 2008

YouTube Addiction

I think I see how people get addicted to YouTube. Check out these videos:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Coast Trip

Eric and I went to Lincoln City a couple of weeks back for an impromptu mini-vacation. It was amazing, just what we needed. I relaxed, ate amazing seafood (Pier 101, get the steamer clams, best I've ever had), played in the freezing Pacific Ocean, relaxed, tortured Rosco by dragging her into the Pacific Ocean, relaxed, and dropped some dough at the old-time candy store. I can't wait to go back.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thrift Store mania!!!!!!

Holy man, I have put some hurt on the Thrift Stores I like to frequent. I happened to stop by one of them today with my sisterlaw (that's short for sister-in-law) to check out some stuff, and realized to my horror, that I have become one of their creepy regulars. Truth be told, I'm not so horrified, I love, love, love finding a good deal. I'm pretty sure it's a sickness. But, come on people, you know I look good. And, I only spent.... well less than you I'm sure. Now, I know some of you may be haters, but I pull off some sweet 80s shit, now and again, come on, amid it. My good friend Ginger was visiting recently, and we may be the only two people alive that can do some down and dirty thrift store shopping for like 4 hours. Seriously, it was like 4 hours in one place. Then, we thought we'd have another go at it the very next day at a different place. I scored, scored, scored. Don't be jealous, maybe one day, you too may come along.
Mmmm I want some sausage, don't you?

Monday, May 26, 2008


There may be something slightly more romantic about VHS tapes vs DVDs. Back in the day I had quite the collection of VHS movies I would proudly display on a shoe rack (I know what you thinking, "You had extra shoe storage?". No, not quite, more like a very messy room.) I was proud of the collection I had built up, and felt like the choices I made in movie watching said a lot about my personality. Some of you may have not known me before Eric claims to have turned me on to "good movies", but if he's honest he'll tell you I always had good taste in movies. Maybe it's just the nostagia I feel because it reminds me of a different time, the way people collect records or LPs. I also would actually watch the movies I owned, over and over, proving the quality at which I chose them. I used to get so geeked up when Blockbuster (where I worked then) would do a big PRP (prev. rented product) pull, and I could get old, campy comedies for $2.99. Since DVD, I just don't feel that same excitement about buying movies. I also don't watch my DVDs nearly as often, instead I just watch crappy TV, and what kind of replacement is that? Maybe I'm just not buying the same movies, with the same fun, campy quality as before. Maybe now I own "good movies" that I just don't enjoy as much (thanks a lot Eric);)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ingrid Michaelson

Check out her latest CD, Girls and Boys. Me likey. It's a little on the pop-E/mainstream side, as most of you will be familiar with the single The Way I Am, but still a fun listen, especailly for the ladies... or just Malinda (most likey the only lady that may read this)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

That's the way the ball bounces...

With the recent onset of sunny weather, I have been able to play a bit of tennis. I realized that A: I am out of shape. B: My dog is very well behaved, and loves a good roll in the grass. C: I am actually not as bad as I thought I was. D: I am very competitive and could probably keep playing until I pass out or puke (either of which may not take very long considering A). See ya on the court!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Classics... finally I agree.

Eric and I recently watched the movie Swing Time, as a part of Eric's quest to conquer the AFI's top 100 movies. I really enjoyed this movie. Finally I watched a film that lived up to all the hype. Sorry, but some of these so called classics, and best movies ever made, to me, just don't seem to make the grade. I'm really happy to find a film that I can add to my favorite classic movies list. It is not very often that I see a movie that to me, really is a classic, one that I would want to watch over and over again. Ginger Rogers is about one of the most fabulous leading ladies I've watched in a long time. Not only is she extremely cute, she has a fierce personality and dance moves that will knock your socks off. I wasn't so sure about Fred Astaire being a leading man in the beginning of this movie, as he does not possess that usual "look" that leading men seem to have, but by the end of the movie I would've married the guy. His dance solo toward the end of the movie is crazy good. This is a fun romantic musical that I would recommend to anyone. Also some recommends off my fav. classics list, (in case anyone was wondering) would be: Auntie Mame (also fav. movie of all time), Pillow Talk, Breakfast at Tiffany's, North by Northwest, An Affair to Remember, and Charade.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Rosco and Jasmine's acting debut... check it out!

Amber... this is your life

Do you ever feel like you living someone else's life? I've said a couple of times recently that I feel as if I am an actor in my own life, just playing a part... and I'm not a very good actor. I play different roles, depending on what I'm doing, where I am, sometimes playing the part depending on who someone else needs me to be, and only recognizing a small version of myself. It's like I'm watching myself and going really? that's who you decided to be today? It's like my writing, sometimes I feel I am not able to convey what I am trying to say, who I really am, and who I want to be. The only time I truly feel myself is around my husband, dog, cat, and some family and some friends... sometimes. Maybe I'm just having a version of an early mid-life crisis. I do have my 10yr reunion this year, and it's a mile-marker, a reminder of where you thought you would be at this time in life, and where you currently sit. This is not to say I'm not happy with my life, I am lucky in life where others never will be. But, it's all about evaluating, and setting new goals for myself, and then I can get closer to being the true me and not a B version actor of me.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Scams... and Steve-O?

I was logging into when I saw an ad, an obvious scam (see I am getting better at detecting them). It was a contest to "party" with Steve-O, of the show Jackass. Not to bust their bubble of luring people into their "sweepstakes", but Steve-O is currently in rehab (I know, real shocker). Seems recently Johnny Knoxville, and other concerned friends of the wildboy forcibly removed him from his home and took him to a hospital where he was placed under a 5150 hold (also what Brittney Spears went under). Basically he was held in a mental ward, or "loony bin" as Steve-O refers to on his website,, and the hold means they thought he could be a danger to himself. He is currently on the long and hard road of rehab, and blogs about his experience on his website. Unfortunately no one has let the nice people of know this. Hopefully, myspace will at least wise up on this fact and pull the ad. And, as jaded as I get, and surprised I am not, I still hope this guy gets better. It seems like he was in pretty deep and will have a very, very difficult time becoming well, but my best wishes to him.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Making the most out of Easter

I am in the midst of a holiday weekend, Easter Weekend to be exact. You know, Jesus, the Bunny, the eggs, whichever way you may celebrate. I choose to celebrate them all. Eric and I actually have most of these days off together, which has not happened in a very long time. Yet, all those friends and family we usually spend time with on the weekends have left us high and dry... or they are just out of town. Anywho, I decided that we were going to make the most out of the holiday. So far, I have made the most amazing cupcakes ever to be seen or tasted by humans. I have also colored two dozen, yup, that's twenty four eggs, with the help of my good friend Karolyn (see I do have other friends) and even Eric decorated a few. Oh, don't worry, I didn't forget about Jesus. Eric and I are going to church tomorrow, for the first time in a very, very long time. We aren't heathens after all.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm getting so freakn' old

So, I have some sort of a crook or a kink in my neck/shoulder/back. I can't actually turned my head like a normal person, I am reduced to the swivel. I've been noticing some stiffness lately, that I mostly attribute to my "ladies", and maybe my job. But, I had a full-blown back attack last night. I was trying to catch those ever elusive Zzzz and could not for the life of me find a comfortable position. Not even comfortable really, more like any sort of way I could just be without freaking unbelievable pain. I mean, not to sound like a wimp here, but I couldn't even lay down. I had to walk around the apartment like a zombie waiting for the Advil to take affect. So, so much for being productive, I spent the day trying not to move... it was awesome. I feel like my body is ready to give way at the ripe old age of 27. Ridiculous.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sick day = productivity

I think I did quite well for myself today.
My day started in the wee morning hours when I was woken up to the sound of Eric getting ready for work (4am-ish). I raised my head to kiss him goodbye, planning on drifting back to a drooly, drowsy sleep, when I felt the distinct sensation of two golf balls engorging the sides of my neck, and my throat having that familiar I just swallowed a razor blade feel. I decided to drag myself to the bathroom to assess the situation. White tongue, swollen neck and face area, and a general look of death. I decided right then and there that I was NOT going to spend my next days off with a cold again, like I had done about two weeks ago. Since I was out of Airborne;) , I instead went for the old standby, the one that always helps, but I hate doing. Yep, the dreaded salt water solution... up the nose, in the throat, gasping for air as I was half asleep and my salt to water ratio was a little off. I was able to go back to sleep, luckily, after that.
I awoke to a better me. Not a completely well me, but my golf balls were down to about walnuts, heck, maybe even hazelnuts, and my tongue had some actual color to it. I wasn't quite sure how I'd do all day though, and as it was a slow day for me at work, I called in a sickie. I was figuring the usual couch bound would be the gist of the days events. But, again, I said NO, I am getting some stuff done. So I guzzled a discount dollar store energy drink (didn't know they have discounts at the dollar store did ya? jealous?), and started writing my list. In the end I was able to: feed animals, conference with tax guy, clean kitchen, watch TV (I mean, who are we kidding here?), go to Blockbuster, go for a small grocery run, and make an old western with Mr. Strahl, starring Jasmine and Rosco, oh, and blog. What did you do today???

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lucky girl...

Not much to say except, I'm a little jealous. Nice guy, cute guy. Go ahead and play it, I'll count it down for you. And tree, too, once...

Friday, March 07, 2008

This is why I stopped watching Survivor...

This year is all about celebrities, all-stars and new twists on long running reality shows. There's Celebrity Apprentice, Celebrity Rehab, American Idol is allowing instruments this year, and the show I came back to after a long hiatus, Survivor: Fans vs Favorites. This is like what, Survivor 16? When I left the show we were only on numero quatro. Let me tell you why Eric and I stopped watching Season 4 after a good run of about five or so episodes.
There was a competitor on that season named Hunter. He was strong, smart, and nice, the kind of guy that would help make a team strong, by winning challenges, and having a bit of integrity, the kind of guy you root for. Now, this guy was eliminated way too early, the tribe saw him as a threat, and instead of keeping him for a little while for the benefit of the team, they cut off his head and sent him away. The remainder of the tribe seemed weak, caddy, and underhanded. It was so stupid and out of the blue, Eric and I were annoyed enough to stop watching the show. Who wanted to root for these pitiful people who were left, that in our minds eye did not deserve to be there. I know Survivor is not just about physical strength, and in fact, many of the competitors who go the farthest are indeed underhanded and not exactly Arnold Schwarzenegger, but exceed when it comes to manipulation. I don't know what it is that is quite so bothering about this, I understand the game is full of surprises and that is part of the fun(?), I guess.
This type of thing has happened a couple of times with this current season as well. First to leave the fans was not Chet, the weakest competitor and worst contributor in general. No, it was a power play in which Mikey B. 's girl Mary was taken out for no apparent reason except that of ego. Joel was the one who puppetiered that decision, and that became his big power play to show everyone who was boss, especially Mikey B. Then, you think, now that he feels better about himself, he begins to come to his senses and see how obvious it is that they need to begin to remove the weakest players, ie: Chet. But, nooo, now sneaky Tracy manipulates his ego into thinking he is not doing the king's bidding by letting Mikey B. stay there, (the king being himself) and he goes for it, not any the wiser that he is the one essentially being told what to do. So, Mikey B., another strong player for the fans, is the next to go. Funnily enough, it is really only fitting that Chet stays in, again, and ultimately becomes Joel's demise as well. But, I mean, how disappointing! Now the third strong player to go, I mean, seriously, Chet is still there? Ugh. I guess it makes for good television and all that, BUT I would have much rather watched Joel-no actually, was looking forward to seeing him on there for a while, because HE was good television. Now, I have to look forward to watching snaky, weak, manipulators like Chet, Cirie, and Tracy. I don't think I am going to stop watching this time, I have to admit it's been a really good show so far, BUT, what if they keep voting off strong, smart, good people, and in the end all we are left with is the formentioned players? Sanjaya frustration anyone?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Scams... when will I learn?

So, recently, looking for whoknowswhat on the ole Internet, I stumbled upon yet another get rich quick scheme, and guess what? Yep, I fell for it. Sooo ridiculous too, because I really don't usually give these things a second glance anymore (as in, in the past I have fell for some here or there). But, something happens when one is strapped for cash, you become the exact type of prey "these people" are hoping for. Luckily, I was a bit cautious, in that I was able to "try it out" in the 7 day trial period, and coming to my senses, canceled after three days. Still, I was kind of disappointed at how easily I fell down the rabbit hole, again. So, what now? I can tell you I will continue with my own crazy getrichquick schemes in my head; I can't tell you that will be the last time I fall for these things. But it is a learning experience, and seriously, do ya think I 'm alone here??