Tuesday, May 06, 2008

That's the way the ball bounces...

With the recent onset of sunny weather, I have been able to play a bit of tennis. I realized that A: I am out of shape. B: My dog is very well behaved, and loves a good roll in the grass. C: I am actually not as bad as I thought I was. D: I am very competitive and could probably keep playing until I pass out or puke (either of which may not take very long considering A). See ya on the court!


Anonymous said...

I am probably substantially better than you at tennis. I was the captain of my varsity team remember?

Burtopia said...

Donny may be good at tennis, but I am amazing at thinking I can do anything better than anyone. So I will contend that eventhough I slipped up a couple of time this weekend, I'm still better than anyone who plays tennis. And if I do lose, I'm merely setting up the hustle.