Monday, May 26, 2008


There may be something slightly more romantic about VHS tapes vs DVDs. Back in the day I had quite the collection of VHS movies I would proudly display on a shoe rack (I know what you thinking, "You had extra shoe storage?". No, not quite, more like a very messy room.) I was proud of the collection I had built up, and felt like the choices I made in movie watching said a lot about my personality. Some of you may have not known me before Eric claims to have turned me on to "good movies", but if he's honest he'll tell you I always had good taste in movies. Maybe it's just the nostagia I feel because it reminds me of a different time, the way people collect records or LPs. I also would actually watch the movies I owned, over and over, proving the quality at which I chose them. I used to get so geeked up when Blockbuster (where I worked then) would do a big PRP (prev. rented product) pull, and I could get old, campy comedies for $2.99. Since DVD, I just don't feel that same excitement about buying movies. I also don't watch my DVDs nearly as often, instead I just watch crappy TV, and what kind of replacement is that? Maybe I'm just not buying the same movies, with the same fun, campy quality as before. Maybe now I own "good movies" that I just don't enjoy as much (thanks a lot Eric);)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ingrid Michaelson

Check out her latest CD, Girls and Boys. Me likey. It's a little on the pop-E/mainstream side, as most of you will be familiar with the single The Way I Am, but still a fun listen, especailly for the ladies... or just Malinda (most likey the only lady that may read this)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

That's the way the ball bounces...

With the recent onset of sunny weather, I have been able to play a bit of tennis. I realized that A: I am out of shape. B: My dog is very well behaved, and loves a good roll in the grass. C: I am actually not as bad as I thought I was. D: I am very competitive and could probably keep playing until I pass out or puke (either of which may not take very long considering A). See ya on the court!