Friday, March 31, 2006


Several nights ago Eric (my hub), Donnie and I watched the movie the Aristocrats. Let us take a trip down reation lane:
*First, wow - dirty
*Then, he he he, funny - really dirty
*And then, hmm... getting kind of grotesque - feeling kind of queezy
*And then, oh jeez - way over the line
*And then, Bob Sagat -- (shudder) ... disturbing
*And then, still same joke - same damn joke
*And then, Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz
**And then............ relief (with 35min left) - we had to end it.

1 comment:

Burtopia said...

I did the same thing. Except I'm pretty sure I only made it 35 minutes into it before turning it off.