Saturday, October 25, 2008

I am craving deviled eggs something fierce!! I am going to make them tomorrow and it will be awesome... you'll see.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Memories... like the corners of my mind

Man, I really miss running. Since being pregnant, I've exercised like once. I feel icky, and unhealthy. And, I know, Charlotte's doctor in Sex and the City said it was okay for her to run. Well, A: it's a movie, and B: she (the character) had always been a runner, as I have just recently taken up the habit. It's not like I have that much energy anyways, I just miss it, and I loved all the endorphins. Plus, I was just starting to lose weight, now I'll be gaining it. Boo-Hoo me... I think I'll go console myself with my good friends Ben & Jerry.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My animals are driving me bonkers!!

Ever since I became pregnant, (oh yeah, surprise!!) my cat Jasmine, and dog Rosco have become increasingly needy. They will not let me go to the bathroom without their presence, and I go to the bathroom rather frequently these days. Everywhere I go, there they are, and all over me, it's like I'm freakn' Ace Ventura or something. And Rosco's crazy nighttime behavior has been getting back to the crazy-super-paranoid dog that we dealt with in the apartment. How would you like crazy eyes starring at you, jumping on your bed, and the constant smacking of dog mouth/saliva hour after hour in the middle of the night. I need my sleep people, it's making me a little batty.